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1750 Firepower Coteaz list

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1750 Firepower Coteaz list Empty 1750 Firepower Coteaz list

Post by Corennus Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:43 am

The main focus of this list: firepower. Lots and lots and lots and lots of firepower.

First thing I will admit is anything at AV13 will be annoying (rending psycannons needed!) but against anything else this army will be pumping out over 100 Str 5 (minimum) shots!

Coteaz Hoarde 1750

Inquisitor Coteaz 100


Purifier Squad (5 man) x 2 362
Halberds x 3
Psycannons x 2
DT: Rhino

Vindicare Assassin 145


Inquisitorial Henchmen Squad x 4 388
x 3 Acolytes w/ Plasma Guns
DT: Chimaera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Bolter

Inquisitorial Henchmen Squad x 2 226
X 4 Acolytes w/ Plasma Guns
X 1 Acolyte w/ laspistol
DT: Chimaera w/ Multi-Laser. Heavy Bolter


Purgation Squad (5 man) x 3 525
Psycannons x 2
DT: Rhino


It was a toss up between vindicare and another purifier squad. In the end I went for the vindicare because a) he took out two land raiders single handedly in my last game with just TWO shots, and b) he's good for taking out annoying characters/inv saves.

Firepower in this list:

X 4 Storm Bolters Str 4 AP5 12 shots at 24”
X 4 Psycannons Str 7 AP4 Rending 8/16 shots at 24”


1 Sniper Rifle shot at 36” Str 8 AP1 Poisoned (2+)/Shield Breaker/Turbo Pen

Inquisitor Retinue
20 Plasma guns firing 20 / 40 Str 7 AP2 shots 24” / 12”
2 laspistols firing 2 Str 3 AP- shots 12”
Chimaeras: x 6 Multilasers Str 6 AP6 18 shots at 36”
X 6 Heavy Bolters Str 5 AP4 18 shots at 36”


X 6 Storm Bolters Str 4 AP5 12 shots at 24”
X 6 Psycannons Str 7 AP4 Rending 12/24 shots at 24”

Moving 12” firing 36”: (assuming vindicare doesn’t have to move) 1 Str 8 AP1 shot TOTAL: 1 shot

Moving 6” firing 24”: 10 storm bolters firing 20 shots 24”
10 psycannons firing 20 shots 24”
6 multilasers firing 18 shots 36”
20 plasma guns firing 20 shots 24”
1 Exitus Rifle firing 1 Str 8 AP1 shot TOTAL:79 shots

Stationary: (the bit where this list gets scary)
10 storm bolters firing 20 shots 24”
10 psycannons firing 40 shots 24"
6 multilasers firing 18 shots 36"
6 heavy bolters firing 18 shots 36"
20 plasma guns firing 20 shots 24" / 40 shots 12"
1 Exitus rifle firing 1 shot 36" TOTAL: 117 / 137!!

Number of posts : 664
Age : 45
Location : UK
Army : Ex player from 5th ed.
Registration date : 2011-02-11

Grey knight

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