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Patrol a la combat!!!

The Legionnaire
Brother-Captain Validi
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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Brother-Captain Validi Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:03 pm

Yup, another battle report by Validi and as you can probably tell, it was a combat patrol. This time my forces were pitted against my little brothers fledgling Tau army.

Army lists

Daemonhunters (Me, duh)


8 Sarcastic Stormtroopers, 1 Sarcastic Sarge, 1 Grenade Launcher, 8 Hellguns

Fast attack

9 Grey Knights, 1 Justicar, 1 Incinerator, 9 Stormbolters and Nemesis Force Weapons

Tau (bro)


1 Crisis Shas'Vre, 1 Burst Cannon, 1 Plasma Rifle, Shield generator, Ejection system, Drone Control System, Gun Drone

3 Stealth Suit Shas'ui, 2 Burst Cannons, 1 Fusion Blaster


5 Fire Warrior Shas'la, 1 Shas'ui, Bonding Knife, Drone Control System, Gun Drone

5 Fire Warrior Shas'la, 1 Shas'ui, Bonding Knife, Drone Control System, Gun Drone

Both armies were 400 points exactly, here's what happened...

Turn 1


"Sir, I can see the Tau forces, they're to the north of our position"

"Reeaaaallyyy, and what do your brilliant powers of observation tell us about their size and strength?"

"Well sir, there's a Crisis Battlesuit, 3 Stealth Suits, about 10 Fire Warriors and a couple of drones. What do you sugest we do Sir?

"We're gonna charge right at them, screaming our heads off about how the Emperor will cleanse them, shoot everywhere and everything, but hit nothing and be gunned down by a hail of Plasma."

"...We're gonna sit tight aren't we?"

"Damn straight, now start dealing."

And so the Stormtroopers sat down, took out a deck of cards and proceded to play Blackjack untill the advancing Tau came within range.


As soon as the Stormtroopers became emmersed in the game, the Crisis and Stealth Suits used their Jetpacks to steal up upon the unsuspecting Troopers.

"You're a damn cheat!" the Trooper stood up in anger. "I saw you palm that EmperAAARRGGHH!!!!"(Kings = Emperors, Queens = Cannonesses (the Adepta Sorortias do have the title "Brides of the Emperor", (lucky son-of-a-bitch)) and the Jacks = Inquisitors)

"What the HELL?!"

"Yeah he never palmed that card...oh, right."

The Stealthsuits had opened fire with their Burst Cannons and despite several shots going just over the Troopers heads, they hadn't noticed untill one of them stood up right in the line of fire and got blasted in the back. The crisis suits shots either missed or hit depending on whether it was aiming at nothing or not. The suits came closer due to a rule that says jet troopers get to move 6" in the Assault Phase, giving them a total move of 18".

Turn 2


"Call for support NOW!"

"No can do, Sir, I got a two!" said the Vox Trooper happily.

And indeed he had. Disentigrating the offending card in the enthusiastic Troopers outstreached hand, the Trooper the others had selected as "Sir" for the day grumbled a bit, noticed something, then shouted out,

"WELL?! Return fire already!"

Because they had moved so close to the Troopers, the Hellguns could now fire 2X more than usual. Just as the Trooper carrying the Grenade Launcher begun to ponder upon the hidden meaning behind this, my brother reminded me that he still had to shoot, and so he did - forgetting his mystery because his mind was racked with disbelief at him missing all the targets completly. As the Troopers ceased fire one of the Stealthsuits gave out a strange sound.


It then proceded to fall flat on its face.

"Hey," said one Trooper

"Yeah" replied the one next to him

"Why did we stop shooting?"

"It's the Assault Phase"


"The creator can't remeber whether we can still go up to the Tau and smash their faces in since we shot in the Shooting Phase, so he's looking it up in the enormous codex he got for X-Mas." study


"...We need to reload"

"Oh, not that other thing"

"No, definatly not"


The crisis suit missed again and the Stealth suits jumped over the Troopers heads and blasted another Trooper in the back with their Burst Cannon, but the Fusion Blaster's shot went completly wild and the Suits decided to assault.

"Oh, nice shot man," said the trooper in combat with the Fusion blaster armed Tau.

"Huh, but I missed" He replied.

"PSYCHE Twisted Evil !!!" and the Trooper smashed the Tau's Optics with the butt of his Hellgun. affraid (<---The Tau's face)

Turn 3


"Sir, sir, sir, sir, sir," gibbered the excited Vox Trooper.


"I got a *3*!!!" he said proudly, whilst producing the card from up his sleve and moving it back and forth tn front of the mock sarge's face

"*sigh* why does everyone cheat at cards but me? Hey, wait a minuite, it's a freaking *3*!!!!"

A bright blue flash lit up the battlefield and 10 Grey Knights appeared out of thin air and each took up a cool pose that all the Tau were in complete awe of (the Stormtroopers had seen it all before). That is, untill the Grey Knights destroyed 5 of the Tau Fire Warriors with one well placed Incinerator firestorm and tore the last one and the accompanying drone apart with their Stormbolters.


For some reason, all the remaining Tau charged right into close combat with the Grey Knights and lost 2 members to the Justicars lethal swipes of his sword, and the Crisis Suit followed the Fire Warriors into close combat and took one wound. The Troopers and the Stealth Suit remained in close combat, doing no serious damage to each other.

Turn 4


Two more fell to the Justicars swift blade, and the 2 last drones and the Fire Warrior were moped up by the Grey Knights but the Crisis suits armour was too thick for the normal Grey Knights to penetrate.


The Justicar stepped out, in front of the crisis suit, and with 3 strokes of his psychically charged weapon, he cut right through the Tau's armour. The battle was won.

As you can see, the day was won without a single Grey Knight casualty and only 2 Stormtroopers bit the dust, but it's not really such a great victory, as it was my brothers first battle (my 4th) and he made a lot of wrong moves (using Tau to assault) and had a lot of unlucky dice rolls (my *Big Gun* dice set I got for X-mas loves me). A good start to the year though so I hope it continues to be! Very Happy

Have some random pics from my NEW CAMERA!!!! My brothers Fire Warriors and my Chimera aren't painted yet, sorry.

Patrol a la combat!!! Big_gu10

Patrol a la combat!!! Gkdwad10

Patrol a la combat!!! Stormi10
Brother-Captain Validi
Brother-Captain Validi
Grey Knight
Grey Knight

Number of posts : 271
Age : 31
Location : Lost in the Warp. Strange, it looks just like Scotland...
Army : Daemonhunters, Space Wolves, 13th Company Space Wolves, Legion of the Damned
Registration date : 2007-10-27

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by The Legionnaire Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:07 am

Hey sarge i got a **3**! LOL.
The Legionnaire
The Legionnaire
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Location : Bradford, Britain.
Army : DaemonHunters, Black Templars, Elysian Drop Troops, PH Death Guard (PIP)
Registration date : 2007-11-18

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Inquisitor Lord Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:02 pm

ROFL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!! that was quality lol still bits makeing me laf now
Inquisitor Lord
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Adeptus Administratum
Adeptus Administratum

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Grey knight


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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Praexes Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:34 am

Ahh... Mice Tau Pies... Razz
Adeptus Moderatus
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Grey knight

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Brother-Captain Validi Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:25 am

Same Topic - new story! This one's another Combat Patrol and this time my GK and Troopers faced off against Chaos, huzzah!




4x Grey Knights in Power Armour - 1x Justicar with meltabombs, frag grenades, targeter

4x Grey Knights in Power Armour - 1x Psycannon - 1x Justicar with meltabombs, frag grenades, targeter

6x Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - no extra weapons/wargear



5x Possesed ChaosMarines - no extra weapons/wargear


5x Chaos Space Marines - Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - no extra weapons/wargear

5x Chaos Space Marines - Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - no extra weapons/wargear

5x Chaos Space Marines - Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - Rhino Transport with Combi Bolter ( It has 2 now seeing as it starts out with one)- no extra weapons/wargear

Both lists are 400pts or a few points under.

After a small discussion about where the table boundaries were, we got going.

I deployed my Stormtroopers on the my left flank, the Grey Knights without the Psycannon in the center, and the Grey Knights with the Psycannon on the right flank. All were in a flat line across the table, 6 inches away from the table edge and 24 inches away from the enemy, who set up his Rhino and assosicated Chaos Marines opposite my troopers, with the Chaos Marines on the left of the rhino (looking from my opponents point of view). His Possesed were on his left of them, in the centre, and the 2 other squads on the left of them, all in a line like my army. Chaos got first turn.

Turn One


All of the enemy moves 6 inches closer, but only the Rhino is able to fire, but does nothing of consequence. The possesed have the Fleet of Foot rule and get another 6 inches closer


Realising the Possesed would assault next turn, the Grey Knights and two Stormtroopers fell back to the table edge to try to avoid the assault. All my units fires upon the Possesed, cutting the squad down by four to leave one Mutant Marine but he passed his Last Man Standing test.

Turn Two


All his units came closer another 6 inches and only a few of them managed to shot (due to my units retreating) but again, did nothing. His possesed just managed to get into a charge and assaulted the centre group of Grey Knights but neither unit did damage to the other.


The Grey Knights with the psycannon held their ground but the storm troopers moved closer to the Rhino Squad. The Psycannon and Storm Bolters claimed 3 of the Chaos Marines on my right flank. And then something amazing happened. My Troopers Rapid-Fired the Chaos Marines with the Rhino and killed FOUR of them. With Hellguns. The remaining Marine failed his Last Man Standing test and legged it 12 inches back to his lines. The confict with the Possesed Marine almost ended with my Justicar slicing through the Possesed's armour but he had an Invulnerable save and passed it.

Turn three


His Rhino Tank Shocked my Troopers, but the passed the test and got out of the way, but one of them sucummbed to the Combi-Bolter fire and another was killed by the shots from the Chaos Marine Squad with five Members and was susequently assaulted by them, but neither squad did killed any of the other in the charge. My Grey Knights finished off the Possesed and moved past the Chaos Marines assaulting the Troopers. The Marine who had run away only managed to get away 4 inches this turn. He probably had a stich or something.


The Grey Knights with the psycannon moved up the battlefield and cut down the last members of the Squad they had been previously firing at, The other Grey Knights charged the Chaos marines who had just finished off the Troopers in a Sweeping Advance, only killing one of them, and not losing any members. The other Grey Knights were Tank Shocked by the Rhino, but as they were fearless there was realy no point. My Justicar went for a Death or Glory with his meltabombs and immobilised the Rhino.

Turn Four


Not really much he could do now, the Rhino fired a bit but did nothing, the assault continued with me killing another 2 Chaos Marines and him doing nothing to the Grey Knights.


And then something terrible happened. The Grey knights with the Psycannon ran up to the rhino, the Justicar used a meltabomb on it, got a penetrating hit, got a 6 in the damage tables and got a 6 for seeing how far the Rhino would explode. Great. Everyone on the battlefield was within 6 inches, minus the Chaos Marine who had run away. The Chaos Marines squad had one man left and ran away after his friend in the other squad succesfully. The Grey knights lost 2 men each, so they now have 3 men in each squad.

Turn five


Just the 2 people running away, one of them right past the Grey Knights.


The Squad who HAD the Psycannon ran past the Chaos marine and shot the one who had ran away earlier, and the other Grey Knights assaulted the last Chaos Marine and killed him.

The best part of the battle was that he only got victory points for the Stormtroopers and none for the Grey Knights as they were above 1/2 size - just, and I got full victory points, winning by a difference of 340 points, 85%, thus achieving a Victorious Slaughter!
Brother-Captain Validi
Brother-Captain Validi
Grey Knight
Grey Knight

Number of posts : 271
Age : 31
Location : Lost in the Warp. Strange, it looks just like Scotland...
Army : Daemonhunters, Space Wolves, 13th Company Space Wolves, Legion of the Damned
Registration date : 2007-10-27

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by The Legionnaire Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:06 am

Hurrah! The long awaited update! Smile Well done Validi.
The Legionnaire
The Legionnaire
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Head Archivist

Number of posts : 491
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Location : Bradford, Britain.
Army : DaemonHunters, Black Templars, Elysian Drop Troops, PH Death Guard (PIP)
Registration date : 2007-11-18

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Brother_Marine Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:44 am

Lol i hadn't even noticed ur first one. Very Happy
Grey Knight
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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Brother-Captain Validi Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:11 pm

Here it comes!!! Yet ANOTHER combat patrol! Two of them in fact, but one of them is very brief, a prologue if you will, to my Knights beating up the dastardly Orks who trashed my Wolves. Twisted Evil
Space Wolves Vs Orks

500 points, so almost a Combat Patrol

Bit hazy on lists so here goes...

Wolves have 10 Blood Claws, 10 Grey Hunters, a Battle Leader and a Predator Destructor with Heavy Bolters

Orks have a Warboss, lots of Slugga Boyz and lots of Shoota Boyz, a few Big Shootas as well.

The Orks massacared the Space Wolves. The Battle Leader slew the Warboss but all my Wolves got cut down by massed shoota fire after they got out of close combat. DON'T EVER LET ORKS CHARGE YOU. A Mob can get in excess of 60 attacks, A basic ork has 2 attacks, +1 for Choppas and Sluggas (2CCW) and +1 for charging. Nasty. Power Clawz chopped up my Predator after I killed anything else capable of destroying it. Oh well.

and now...

Daemonhunters Vs Orks

This was a proper combat patrol



4x Grey Knights in Power Armour - 1x Justicar with frag grenades, targeter

4x Grey Knights in Power Armour - 1x Psycannon - 1x Justicar with frag grenades, targeter

6x Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - no extra weapons/wargear


No idea about Ork Lists so I'll just guess.


10x 'ard Boyz, Sluggas and Choppas, 1x big shoota


10x Ork Boyz, Sluggas and Choppas - I'll call it a Mob

10x Ork Boyz, Sluggas and Choppas - I'll call it a Mob as well

Fast Attack

8x Storm Boyz (OMG ROCKETS Razz ) Sluggas and Choppas

38 vs 16. This should go well...

I set up my GK with the psycannon on the far left flank, behind a building about 8 inches away (the Building was around 5 inches from the table edge), my Stormtroopers on the inside right flank and my other Grey Knights in the center. all my guys were 12' from the table edge.

He set up his Storm Boyz behind a building, his 'ard Boyz in the centre, an Ork Mob opposite the GK on my left flank, and the other Mob between the Mob and the 'ard Boyz, all 12 from his table edge.

He got first turn.

Turn one


Not much happening, his Mobs + 'ard boyz moved forwards 6', one of the Mobs trying to get close the the GK on my left flank, and the other Mob and the 'ard Boyz towards my right, on the other side of the building. Scarily, the Storm Boyz jumped right over the building and would assualt next turn. If they could Twisted Evil . No shooting of any consequence happened. Silly Orks. scratch


My GK in the center fell back, as did the Stormtroopers, but the Troopers stayed within rapid fire range. The GK and Troopers opened up on the Storm Boyz and killed 4 pf them, but the evil Orks didn't run away. The GKs with the Psycannon took down 3 of the Orks bearing down on them, after falling back themselves.

Turn Two


The Orks all moved closer to their respective targets, one Mob towards the Psycannon GK, and the other Mob and the 'ard Boyz closer the GK and Stormtroopers. Uh oh. The Storm Boyz flew over the strormtroopers heads and killed one with strangely accurate Slugga fire and subsequently charged them, failing their Power of the Waagh test, so my Troopers get first attacks. They killed 2 of them, and the Orks did nothing. Then the Orks failed their Morale Check. Then they failed some other crazy Orky thing which stops them falling back. Then they were destroyed in a sweeping advance. This translates into one of my Troopers seeing what the Orks were planning, jumping into the air, and smashing his Hellgun's butt down on an Orks head(which looked like affraid ), and blowing up anothers face with a well aimed Hellgun shot, shouting, "BOOYAH!!!" This feat of insanity on the Troopers part caused the two remaining Orks to ran away in fear, back to their own lines. Through the other Troopers. Uh oh indeed. MASSACARE!!!


The Ork Mob on my left flank charged my Psycannon wielding GK. Thanks to my GK moving back, only 5 out of the 7 made it into close combat (it makes all the differance, I assure you) and all of my GK were engaged. They passed their Power of the Waagh, doubling their initative to 4, so we strike simultanously. Not good, 5 of those Orks can dish out 20 attacks. I rolled first. My psycannon model with one attack hit, wounded, and the ork failed his save. Cool the rest of my GK put out six attacks and killed 3 orks. The Justicar finished off the last engaged Ork. Awsome. And then the Orks did really bad, killing only one of the GK out of the 20 attacks they had. The last two Orks tried to leg it, but the GK cut them down in a Sweeping Advance. I had only lost 2 models whereas he had lost 18. Rock on.


My GK on the left flank moved closer to the center and my Trooper and the other GK stayed roughly put and shot at the 'ard Boyz but only killed 2 of them thanks to their 4+ save. The Psycannon claimed another Ork from the last Mob which was trying to take cover behind the building near the left table edge and Storm Bolter fire took down a few more of them, leaving 6 or so Orks in the Mob

Turn Three


His Mob took cover in the building and the 'ard Boyz charged my Stormtroopers, taking on the weaker target and killed 3 of them. Crying or Very sad The Troopers then fell back successfuly 7' still in the fight, just.


The falling back Troopers and the closest GK squad concentrated their fire in a hail of righteous fury, leaving only the Ork with the Big Shoota left, who passed his Morale Check. He would have been better off failing it, as my Justicar stepped forward and cleaved him in twain. One squad left. The GKs with the Psycannon killed a few of the Ork's in the building but there were still 4 Orks left from total victory.

Turn four

The Slugga fire brought down a GK in the Psycannon Squad, but all the GK got steadily closer and another two Orks bit the dust.

Turn five

Yet another GK fell, but the last Orks tumbled off the building, dead as an Ork in a blender. What the hell.
Brother-Captain Validi
Brother-Captain Validi
Grey Knight
Grey Knight

Number of posts : 271
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Location : Lost in the Warp. Strange, it looks just like Scotland...
Army : Daemonhunters, Space Wolves, 13th Company Space Wolves, Legion of the Damned
Registration date : 2007-10-27

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Patrol a la combat!!! Empty Re: Patrol a la combat!!!

Post by Klomster Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:09 am

The ork player used the old codex, he should get the new one, maybe he can have a shokk attack gun in combat patrol!

The new dex has some good, some bad changes but overall, i don't think the orky feel is lost.
And the boyz are 6 a piece! That's 4 orks per knight! And almost 1.5 per stormtrooper!

Prepare for some real work lads! The green tide is here!
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Grey knight

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